Neuromuscular Massage Therapy
An effective way to treat the MOVING INDIVIDUAL
The newest therapy to MMAC Health, Neuromuscular therapy is the most effective type of massage therapy for Muscular Pain. Neuromuscular therapy is also called trigger point myotherapy. The American Academy of Pain Management recognizes this form of massage therapy as the most effective treatment for body and back pain caused by soft tissue injury (such as a muscle strain).
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy Technique
What is Neuromuscular therapy? A highly specialized type of soft tissue therapy designed to relieve pain and return injured tissues to normal function. It utilizes specific, targeted soft tissue treatment, flexibility stretching and self-care to eliminate the causes of most muscular aches and pains. It can provide long-term pain relief where other approaches have failed. Neuromuscular Therapy balances the nervous system with the muscular and skeletal systems and naturally brings the body back into alignment.
"Combining techniques of Neuromuscular Therapy, Fascial Manipulation, ART, Tai Na, and Anatomy Trains, MMAC Health offers an advanced and modern treatment for muscle pain"
It addresses postural and muscular imbalances, nerve entrapment, ischemia (reduced blood flow to an area of the body) and muscular trigger points......of alternating levels of concentrated pressure on the areas of muscle spasm and muscles linked to the chain. The massage therapy pressure is usually applied with the fingers, knuckles, or elbow. Once applied to a muscle spasm, the pressure should not vary for ten to thirty seconds.
How does it work? It utilizes specific, targeted soft tissue treatment, flexibility stretching and self-care to eliminate the causes of most muscular aches and pains. It can provide long-term pain relief where other approaches have failed. Neuromuscular Therapy balances the nervous system with the muscular and skeletal systems and naturally brings the body back into alignment. It addresses postural and muscular imbalances, nerve entrapment, ischemia (reduced blood flow to an area of the body) and muscular trigger points.
Massage Therapy Can Reduce Muscle Pain
Muscles that are in spasm will be painful to the touch. The pain is caused by ischemic muscle tissue. Ischemia means the muscle is lacking proper blood flow, usually due to the muscle spasm. This in turn creates the following undesirable process:
Because the muscle is not receiving enough blood, the muscle is also not receiving enough oxygen
The lack of oxygen causes the muscle to produce lactic acid
The lactic acid makes the muscle feel sore following physical activity.
After the muscle is relaxed through massage therapy, the lactic acid will be released from the muscle, and the muscle should start receiving enough blood and oxygen.